Townsol Admin
October 10, 2023
As a child each one of us must have played volleyball in some form or the other - beach, mud or a localised version of it. It is played and enjoyed widely both in urban as well as rural areas. However, when it comes to taking it up as a sport or possible opportunities beyond recreational activity, the avenues are limited.
India boasts a storied legacy of volleyball, with Indian players making their mark on prestigious international stages. The period from 1952 to 1980’s is considered the golden age of volleyball in India. But this beloved sport faced multiple internal and external challenges that resulted in the decline of its popularity.
Playing volleyball is not just a hobby; it's a commitment to a healthier, more active lifestyle. The benefits extend beyond the court. Volleyball burns calories and builds muscle strength, making it an excellent choice for fitness enthusiasts. Furthermore, the sport enhances balance, agility, coordination, and mental well-being, making it a holistic wellness experience.
While the Indian volleyball team is displaying commendable performance, however, they have their fair share of challenges. Lack of sponsorship is one of the crucial struggles. Moreover, Volleyball players often struggle to find stable employment opportunities in the sport and this acts as an obstacle to pursuing volleyball as a full-time career.
In this forum, we'll delve into the heart of these challenges, while also brainstorming innovative solutions to elevate volleyball's popularity in our communities.
Reference Sites - https://www.volleyballindia.com/
Food for thought
- Can we collaborate with private companies to offer sponsorship and financial support for volleyball matches and players to overcome sponsorship issues?
- Can we reach out to local businesses and government agencies to provide the relevant infrastructure required in community areas or schools?
- Media coverage can be a powerful tool to increase interest and popularize volleyball among young generations. From collaborating with local news channels to starting a dedicated YouTube channel, we can try many options to get started.
- Can we look at constituting sports scholarship in our district schools to promote the game?
- Can we offer employment to retired or current volleyball players to ensure they are motivated to pursue and teach the sport to a younger generation?
- We can also promote different types of volleyball such as beach volleyball and mud volleyball to make people interested in this game.
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