
District Vision Contest

Vision Goal

By using the TownSol platform, express your thoughts and various options in your vision plan. This is your golden opportunity to voice your dreams, ideas, and plans for the development and growth of your hometown district over the next 5, 10, 15 years and beyond.

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Competition will start shortly.


TownSol empowers you to express your vision with clarity and passion.

This is not contest but an opportunity for every citizen of the district to express and share their thoughts, ideas, and action plans about how to enrich the quality and raise the standard of life of every townmate in their district so that generations to come can enjoy better lifestyle.

Imagine for a moment that you are given the power to redesign, reshape and reform your hometown district, then what changes would you make to create new or transform the existing aspects of your hometown district. Through the District Vision Initiative, you are invited to share your innovative ideas to transform your hometown for the better.

It could be about….

  • Culture,
  • Infrastructure
  • Ways to celebrate festivals,
  • Governance Systems,
  • Public facilities
  • Use of advance technologies
  • User of natural resources
  • Use of local human skills and intelligence and so on.

There are many ways to make difference in the quality and standard of social life in your hometown.
Expressing your thoughts and ideas on this platform will lead to a constructive use of those ideas. The readers of this platform will not only read your suggestions (vision) but will also express their opinions and perceptions on those thoughts which will assist in making the ideas foolproof and practically usable. With the contribution from a diverse audience, including experts in various fields, different aspects of each plan can be uncovered to refine ideas into practical, foolproof strategies for social and economic growth.

So, what are you waiting for? Imagine yourself as the authority of your city and let others know what you would do to bring the change in your own city. Your views will inspire thousands of others to express their unique ideas and plans which will surely help in turning our city in the ideal city we want.

Submit your plan here to share with your other townmates to get their opinion and suggestions.

While the vision plan is for the social and economic growth of the district, we see that this attempt may also benefit you for your personal career growth. Here is how;

1. The roadmap of your vision plan may attract the attention of any company from the district or outside to consider you for the career opportunity (offer a job) in their new or existing venture.

2. This vision plan may help a college student to showcase their intellectual and managerial capabilities to envision the growth plan of any industry. This vision plan may also serve as the testimony for any company to understand the personality and potential of candidate before their interview happens. It may happen that the Company interviewer may use this Visionary plan in the candidate’s interview to aid in their decision.

3. It is possible that some Government agencies or private companies may invite you for further discussion on your vision plan.

4. You may find like-minded townmates around the world to work as a team on the execution of your district vision plan.

Prove Your Qualification for Manager Position after College Graduation by

  • Conceiving – the multidimensional vision plan for district growth.
  • Convincing – your townmates and Govt. authorities.
  • Creating – The team.
  • Executing– The program.
  • Updating – your resume with the benefits delivered by your vision plan.

If you are already working as an employee, then your vision plan may also motivate upper management to consider you for the promotion.

So put your thoughts together and participate in the District Visionary Contest and win District Visionary Award.

Note: There may be cash award if we get District Vision Partners.

Ready to make a difference ? Please Participate in the contest

Important Dates
Contest Dates

Start Date

05 Apr, 2025

End Date

31 Dec, 2025

Submission Dates

Start Date

10 Apr, 2025

End Date

30 Dec, 2025

Rating Dates

Start Date

10 Apr, 2025

End Date

30 Dec, 2025

Rules And Process


1. Participant will submit their district vision plan.
2. TownSol admin will review the vision plan to ensure that the content satisfies the basic requirements of acceptance.
3. The vision plan will be displayed on the web page, if approved.
4. Readers/Users from the community will read and rate the vision plan from 1 to 10. (1 is poor and 10 is best).
5. The Reader/User will have to provide reason/s to support the valuation of a vision plan for the rating to be accepted.
6. These ratings and reasons will help us to understand the perspective of User/Reader about a vision plan. At the same time, the rating reasons will not be published to all Users/Readers to view. This will avoid getting biased and preconceived rating for each vision plan by other Users/Readers.
7. These ratings will be considered during the determination of the winner of District Visionary Award.


1. A registered User can submit only one vision plan.
2. Please make sure that there are no comments about politics, politicians, any Govt. agency, any Govt. authority etc. This will result into the rejection of your vision plan.
3. TownSol reserves the right to accept/reject any vision plan without providing any reason for the same.
4. The decision by TownSol for the winner of District Visionary Award will be final and cannot be challenged.

5. TownSol management reserves the right to change the rules without any notice.

Competition Leaderboard

Who will take the crown? Find out when the final leaderboard for "Best Pune District Visionary Award !"

You can declare upto 3 winners only.

Winner Rank


Total Views

No of ratings

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Claire Connors

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No entries found!

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions will be presented after we get feedback and/or questions from community members.